Appendix C
Agreement Between Enivornmental Protection and Applicant
Then to add under Prevention of Public Nuisance:
1. When regulated entertainment is provided music volumes will be monitored by a responsible person and all doors and windows to be closed, except for access and egress. A record shall be kept of the monitoring. Records shall be retained for no less than six months and shall be made available upon request by enforcement officers.
2. Deliveries, recycling and rubbish should not be dropped off, collected or placed outside except between the hours of 7am and 9pm.
3. No noise or vibration shall emanate from the premises that gives rise to a nuisance.
4. A direct telephone number for the manager at the premises shall be publicly available at all times the premises is open. This telephone number is to be made available to residents and businesses in the vicinity.
With these conditions agreed the environmental Protection team would have no objections to this new club premises licence
Many thanks
Mylene Hayward
Agreement Between Police and Applicant
From: Abdelkader, Claire
Thank you for coming back to me so quickly and for agreement to that change in wording around the ID condition. I have copied in the Brighton & Hove City Council Licensing Officer for this application for her reference.
I can confirm that Sussex Police Licensing will not be raising any representation to the Club Premises application now that the wording around the ID condition has been amended and agreed.
Kind regards,
Good Morning REDACTED,
My name is Claire Abdelkader and I am the Licensing Officer for Sussex Police who is dealing with the new Club Premises Certificate application for Hove & Kingsway Bowling Club.
I welcome the new offered conditions but just had one that I wondered if your client would be willing to elaborate on/amend slightly please. Currently offered is:
‘Acceptable forms of identification will be a valid passport, a valid photo ID driving license or a valid proof of age scheme card with the PASS approved hologram.’
In light of recent communications by the government around the advent of fully digital ID solutions as well as forms of ID we know are regularly used in Sussex, would your client be willing to accept the below wording in place of the above? This just gives a wider range and more flexibility as we look to the future and new digital IDs being implemented in the coming years.
‘The recommended forms of ID that will be accepted are passports, official Photographic Identity Cards issued by EU states bearing a hologram or ultraviolet feature, driving licences with a photograph, photographic military ID or proof of age cards bearing the ‘PASS’ mark hologram. The list of recommended forms of ID may be amended or revised with the prior written agreement of Sussex Police, the Licensing Authority and Trading Standards without the need to amend the licence or conditions attaching to it.’
I look forward to hearing back from you.
Kind regards,Claire
Agreement Between Planning and Applicant
Good morning Emma,
Further to our earlier emails the Committee has discussed the matter and confirm that the licence application may be modified to accommodate the Planning restrictions in the following ways:
1) Sale of Alcohol and Recorded Music
May be amended to end at 00:00hrs to comply with Condition 31 – the use of the premises by customers must end at 00:00hrs – as neither of these activities involves live events or performances.
2) Live Music and Performances of Dance
May be amended to end at 23:00hrs to comply with Condition 33 – restricting Live Events to end at 23:00hrs – as these Licensed Activities involve Live performances.
We look forward to hearing from you in due course.
With thanks and kind regards,